Your Complete Guide to Responsive Web Design


What is Responsive Web Design?


  1. Take the “mobile first” approach: Because mobile websites provide the most UX issues, developing for mobile and scaling “up” yields the best outcomes. Design for perceived size, knowing that larger designs on smaller displays are preferred to save pinching and zooming. Ensure your designs are intuitive at all layouts and sizes, especially the smallest mobile size.
  2. Adopt a fluid grid and images: Create images with a 4 px basis to ensure that they scale to any percentage required in the fluid grid format. Test across common breakpoints for desktop displays, laptop displays, mobile displays (various), tablet displays, and other displays that may be of interest to your audience (e.g. tv or smartwatch).
  3. Allow for touchscreens: The user interface varies according to the manner of interaction: mouse and keyboard vs touchscreen. Touchable items should be large enough to be usable on small displays, with simple navigation, responsive buttons and links, adequate swipe space, touch gestures, and optimization for the thumb zone.
  4. Decide what elements to include on small screens: Responsive breakpoints are used by designers to determine what happens and what does not happen in each layout style. Determine what is functionally and visually required on the smallest screen to assist with support.
  5. Apply design patterns: According to Luke Wroblewski, responsive web design patterns are divided into five categories: generally fluid, column drop, layout shifter, modest adjustments, and off-canvas. These patterns assist in determining when columns or blocks adapt from multi-column to single-column, the order of the items as these shifts occur, and whether elements become “hidden” in off-screen alternatives until exposed by a user.
  6. Aim for accessibility: An accessible online design follows the four web accessibility principles: perceivable, operable, robust, and intelligible. Mobile accessibility should include adequate contrast (ratio 4.5:1 for normal text or 3:1 for large text), focusable active elements, design for large perceived text size, machine reading support, voice to text input fields, alternate navigation, and features that do not rely on color contrast to indicate function.
  7. Try a pre-designed theme or layout: Pre-designed themes and layouts can be a tremendous help when building or converting a responsive website. Working with a theme entails making changes to colors, graphics, or material while adhering to the framework’s rules to guarantee that the alterations stay responsive. Many prominent web platforms, including WordPress, provide responsive themes.
  8. Outsource your project
    Consider outsourcing out to a team that has experience creating responsive web sites that check all of the above boxes to shorten your time to market with a custom responsive website. Look for an outsource partner who can provide advice on the full process, from technology stack and hosting to design to microservice development and integration. Make certain that only organizations with clear processes at each stage of the project are involved, and that testing is not left until the end.



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